Wednesday, May 11, 2016

This was a very smart purchase, I have a mother in law who has alzheimer's and I can't always tell when she is sick or ok, because she has alzheimer's she can't tell me what is wrong with her so at least I know when I have to take her to the doctor and when she is alright. She often tells me something is wrong and there isn't, then she tells me she is fine and she is not it is very hard to disern.
Because it is digital you can trust that the reading is accurate which is very important to me, the old thermometer's were so hard to figure out I always had a hard time. This has a fever alarm, so if she does have a fever the alarm will go off. I love that it is break resistant also, it is very sturdy, it is also fast response and high accuracy.
I would definitely recommend this to anyone who has a family to take care of it is a necessity! #NanciPerrinDigitalOralThermometer

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