Saturday, May 7, 2016

So full disclosure I received this bottle of Salmon Oil in exchange for an honest review. If you check out my other reviews, you will see that I am honest and do give things bad reviews.

This bottle of Salmon Oil is really great. The oil is a nice orange color and it definitely smells like salmon. I've been using salmon oil for a considerable amount of time for Diego & Larkin, my dobes. They think it is great and the smelly goodness makes them think they are getting something really special. If you have a picky eater (which I don't) I do believe this would help entice them to eat. I do everything I can to keep their joints and coat in good health so this just one more thing I try and do for them.

The oil came with a red plug instead of a seal, but I liked that better actually because I always splash liquid everywhere when I have a pull tab seal. The bottle does say the oil is made in the USA which is really important to me and is made from wild caught Alaskan Salmon. The bottle come with a squeeze top and a pump. I prefer the pump because it pre-measures the serving. It does say refrigerate after opening. I started keeping my salmon oil on the counter however since with 2 dobermans it only lasts about 12 days. With a smaller dogs and cats or if you just have one animal, you may want to refrigerate.#Zenwise

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