Saturday, April 30, 2016

My last pair of grilling gloves was good up too 500 degrees and were bulky. It was hard to do anything but grip a spatula. The Heat Hunter gloves are amazing! They are good to over 900 degrees. This allows me to do everything I want to do at the grill without pulling my hand away because it heats up. They also are a more natural fit. You can cut or perform finer motor skills more easily than the gloves you see in the As Seen on TV aisle.
These are my new go to gloves!

I received a discount on this product in exchange for an honest and unbiased review. I rely on reviews for just about everything I purchase. I tend to ignore the ones that just rave about a product without giving clear reasons. I pay close attention to critical reviews. Unhappy customers tend to a greater motivation to leave a review than happy customers. While they may be writing out of frustration because they had a bad experience, they will often point out valid concerns the positive reviewers will glaze over or ignore. With any review, I encourage you to read between the lines. If the review is generic and could be written for any product then ignore it. I find reviews valuable, so I strive to leave valuable reviews.

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